Tuesday 3 May 2011

Another day another dollar...

I can just tell that today is going to be a real test of will... A very packed 8 hour day in the office, meetings, cooking, and dealing with general headaches. Then a short hour break and it is off to Anthropologie where we are having a visit from our Regional Managers which means that every board fold must be perfect, every hanger in place... leading to a very late night.

I had lunch with two of my best girls last week and we got into a conversation of conflicting interests. I live in beautiful San diego, it is May 3rd and it is expected to be 89 today, an absolutely amazing day to lay out on the beach. However I will not be at the beach... I will be stuck in my office (which mind you has no windows) sitting behind two computer monitors.. absolutely dreaming about being outside. This led the three of us to have the conversation of what is better. They both work restaurant jobs allowing them days free to lunch, sleep in and lay in the sun. Myself on the other hand refused to get another hourly job that will add little to my resume and set out to enter the working corporate world. I am proud to say that I feel quite successful in the endevor however days like this I feel full of regret.

It is nice to pay my rent and not worry about having $6 left over, but the voice in my head keeps saying "your only young once... go go the beach" I know that being responsible is never fun, but am I wasting my first few years out of college working a job that I know wont be my career...

I may be trying to have my cake and eat it too.. I just have to keep reminding myself that putting on the big girl pants this early will only set me up to wear those Gucci pants with my Louboutins in the future....

Wednesday 27 April 2011

A fresh start...

So I started this in January and very unsuccessfully put up one posting, this is starting to feel familiar.. But when at first you dont succeed try try again... right?

So I have stepped into my big girl pants and honestly it is rewarding but a little uncomfortable. I spent 4.5 wonderful years attending San Diego State University as well as the University of Amsterdam. I love college, I especially loved college in Europe, it felt like at any moment a new opportunity could develop to challenge you in an entirely new way.

And now... I work for a very corporate company, yes 8-5 M-F. I can't believe that "they" (aka the man) want me to wake up early everyday and sit at a desk. What is it that I exactly do... Well I schedule and deal with a bunch of BS to produce those delicious samples that everyone enjoys while feasting on the gluttony that is our mass produced grocery stores. This often makes me have to laugh as I try to live by the eat local/organic lifestyle. But a pay check is a paycheck.

I have two bachelors degrees one in Political Science and one in Psychology. In this interesting office setting my psychology degree feels like it is coming in handy, although everyday I cant help but dream about going back to school.

And so my journey continues... I cant help but be jealous of my friends who are at the beach right now... my office has no windows :(

Thursday 20 January 2011

The first of many

I am at a crossroad, trying to figure out just how to be a "grown up" when all I want to do is continue being a kid. I believe that this is a juncture where any people find themselves at one or many times in their lives.

So where am I at?
I recently graudated from San Diego State University where in 4 1/2 years I graduated with 2 bachelors degrees one in Political Science and one in Psychology. I spent a semester abroad at the University of Amsterdam in Holland where i studied at the ISHSS international school of humanitites and social sciences. I participated in student governement, student programs and special studies.

I am looking for the next step, I work at Anthropologie in the Fashion Valley mall which I love, but I feel it is time to start looking.

So: This is why I decided to start this blog, to keep me honest and track my progress as I look for the next stepping stone.